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    1. Please rest at home and avoid public areas for at least 14 days from
    a) Your date of arrival to Malaysia
    b) Your date of contact with a positive Covid patient.

    2. Limit contact with others as much as possible to avoid infecting them.
    Limit your distance with healthy persons to at least 1 meter.

    3. Always observe good cough etiquette.

    4. Always maintain good personal hygiene and cleanliness .Wash your hands often with soap and water,
    especially after coughing or sneezing. If soap and water is not available, use a hand sanitizer.

    5. Use a face-mask whenever in public spaces or when in close contact with people.

    6. Seek immediate medical care if you develop the following sign and symptoms:
    a) Breathing difficulties (shortness of breath, rapid breathing or blue discoloration of lips)
    b) Cough
    c) Persistent chest pain
    d) Fever persisting beyond 3 days or recurring after 3 days
    e) Anosmia (loss of smell)
    f) Ageusia (loss of taste)

    Please visit us at Accident & Emergency Services KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital if you have the above symptoms.

    7. Your results should be ready within 24 -48 hours.You will receive a call from us informing you
    of your results. For any enquiries, please call ext. 1027 (03-77181000) [Monday to Friday 8.30am -5pm only]

    8. For a soft copy of your result, kindly send an email to medrecdsh@kpjdamansara.com stating:
    a). Your request to have the result through email
    b). Full name
    c). Identification card (I/C) number or passport number.