Room & Board
Room Rates
Maternity Ward (2nd Floor)
Surgical Ward (3rd Floor)
Premiere Ward (4th Floor)
Mesra Ward (5th Floor)
General Room Rates
Security For Your Belongings
During your stay with us, it is advisable not to bring or keep valuables. You are advised to send your valuables home with a family member. If that is not immediately possible, valuables may be kept temporarily in the hospital safe until someone can take them home for you. The hospital will not be responsible for any loss of valuables such as cash, jewelry, mobile phone, or damage to your personal items while in our premises.
This facility is only available in single rooms. To call for internal services, please refer to the hospital telephone directory for extension numbers or press "0" for operator's assistance. To make external calls, please press "0" for operator's assistance. Charges for your external calls will be reflected in your hospital bill.
Each patient room is equipped with a television. If you encounter a problem with the television, please contact our Maintenance & Engineering Service at ext. 1028 or 1029.
A choice of one complimentary newspaper is provided to all single room occupants.
Medical Records
Patient Food Services
If you are under therapeutic diet, our Dietary service will ensure your nutritional requirements are met in accordance with your physician’s orders. If you need advice on meal selection or have a question concerning your diet, you may request for Dietetic service. Our Dietitian will pay you a visit.
Standard meals are served as follows: