Speech-Language Therapy is a specialized field which provides clinical services for speech, language, communication and swallowing problems.
Our Speech-Language Therapy Services are tailored to each individual needs. The ultimate goal is to maximize one's potential to communicate more effectively and restore feeding/swallowing skills.
Our Speech and Language Therapy services include:
• Swallowing Difficulty (Dysphagia) assessment and management
• Language Difficulty (Aphasia) assessment and management
• Voice Disorders (Dysphonia) assessment and management
• Speech Difficulty/disorders (Dysarthria and Apraxia of Speech) assessment and management.
• Social Communication (pragmatic skills) assessment and management
• Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
• Caregiver Training
• Language delay/disorder assessment and management
• Speech delay/disorder assessment and management
• Stuttering (Dysfluency)
• Social Communication (pragmatic skills)
• Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
• Caregiver Training
Direct Phone Line:
04-548 6688 ext 5652