• KPJ News


    08:31AM, 10 August, 2020

    In breastfeeding, the latch is the moment everything comes together. Your baby takes a big mouthful of your nipple and areola (or "latches on"), begins to suck, and draws out your milk. When your baby has established a good latch, your nipple soreness is minimized and your little one gets the nourishment he needs. How do you pull that off? Here is the tips:

    1. Get comfortable. Find a comfortable position for yourself such as chairs with back support. Some experts encourage moms to breastfeed in a reclined position. Also, when you're lying back, gravity helps support your baby so you don't have to do all the work. Pay attention to where you might need an extra pillow or two.

    2. Set your baby up to nurse properly. Make sure your baby is tummy to tummy at all times. Begin by putting your baby tummy down on your bare chest, and tummy in little else than her diaper, with her cheeks and chin touching your breasts.

    3. Practice makes perfect. Try to practice latching more often than using bottle. Regular latching can help to increase supply naturally. Your baby will always prefer natural nipple instead of milk bottle, so eventually, your baby will latched to your nipple in no time. Be patient and keep on teaching and practicing with your little bundle of joy.

    4. Environment. Make sure the environment during breastfeeding is calm and it is best if quiet. It will make the baby easier to focus on breastfeeding. Please note that baby could easily startled and he/she will cry and make it harder to teach your baby on breastfeeding. If you are in public area, get yourself the least noise so you can breastfeeding with calm.

    Last but not least. Always have faith in yourself and your baby. Never loose patient and try your best not to stress out. Being in a stress mode will effect the quality and quantity of your milk. "Babies are designed to breastfeed" says Emily Pease, R.N., international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), of Swedish Hospital's Breastfeeding Center in Seattle.

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