When should I go for surgery?
If there is significant visual impairment affecting one's daily activities such as driving, reading, working or things one enjoy, then it is the right time to consider surgery. Cataract surgery only becomes necessary if you are not happy with your vision and want to see better. Consult our doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your vision.
What if cataract is not removed?
Complications of mature cataract may happen, such as lens-induced glaucoma and lens-induced inflammation of the eye.
Does cataract surgery hurt?
Thanks to aesthetic drops and medications to help you relax, this procedure involves only minimal discomfort. During the procedure, the patient is awake.
I have cataracts in both eyes. Will the surgeon treat both eyes at the same time?
Typically, the surgeon will perform cataract surgery in the second eye two or three weeks after the first eye. All patients are different, so it is best to consult the surgeon about special circumstances.
How long will I be in the centre for the surgery?
Patients commonly spend only a few hours at the centre and can enjoy the comforts of their home after the procedure.
How long before I can return to normal activities?
Most patients can resume normal basic activities like reading and watching TV by the next day, and return to work within two to seven days. Doctors typically recommend against any strenuous activity for two or more weeks. However, results vary for different patients, so you should ask our doctor what is best for you.
Will I need glasses after cataract surgery?
It depends on what type of intraocular lens you choose to have implanted. Most patients do not need glasses or contacts for distance vision following cataract surgery with a traditional monofocal lenses, but may require reading glasses for near vision. However, should the patient choose multifocal lens implant, four out of five AcrySof® ReSTOR® IOL patients reported never wearing glasses for distance, intermediate or near tasks after their surgery.
Can my cataract recur?
No. Once a cataract has been removed it cannot recur. However, over time, some patients may complain that their vision has deteriorated. This well documented condition which may occur following cataract surgery is known as a secondary cataract or "PCO" (Posterior Capsular Opacity). This is not a true cataract but rather an opacification of a membrane behind the implanted lens. Secondary cataracts can be easily treated by a simple laser procedure performed in the clinic.
Any precautions after surgery?
Every patient is different, so be sure to ask our doctor for advice on eye care after the procedure. The surgeon may ask you to refrain from rubbing your eye or engaging in any strenuous activity for a few weeks after surgery.
Who do I call if I have a problem?
Consult our doctor immediately if you have any problems, especially if you experience decreased vision or pain.